Played on the PS5, Royal edition, got the platinum trophy

I skipped this game for so long because it is:
1. Open world
2. Only 4 party system
3. Only boys
4. Action JRPG

I had very low expectation for this boy band simulator. Honestly, though, the game far exceeded anything I thought it’d be able to accomplish including me actually enjoying it.

There is a lot of complaints: time convenience stuff like climbing ladders takes 100 years, walking through dungeons is SO SLOW, combat fields are very easy to walk out of on accident, grading system is annoying and irrelevant for the most part, open world is fairly empty, etc.

Somehow none of that bothered by as much as it would any other game. I’m not married to Final Fantasy. I love a lot of them but it isn’t even in my top 10 franchises but there was something about this game that kept me going from beginning to end. The boys are great (iggy best boy) and they’re probably the biggest crutch of the entire game. They truly carry it with their fun back and forths, silly side quests, character moments, personal development and overall group development.

I always enjoyed the battle system. Felt really fun to warp strike, chain combo and even use magic. I enjoyed myself almost every fight. I could do without lvl 3 monsters trying to engage me when I’m level 81 but shrug

I honestly can’t truly explain why I enjoyed this game so much. I’ve played many games that shared one or many of these shared issues that I dropped like a hat because it can be frustrating. I’d rather play a game I have fun with vs trying to play the “don’t worry it gets good” games. Somehow though—this game clicked. Despite my complaints, it pulled through and came together to be a wonderful and unique experience.

Still though, Iggy is the best boy. Don’t @ me

Reviewed on Mar 07, 2021
