Game is mad pretty but everything else... wow... uhm... honestly, I literally don’t understand. The realism takes away so much from the game. It became unplayable for me after trying for awhile. I just couldn’t get into it. Everything you do takes so long because of their dedication to realism.

If I loot someone or something, just give me a menu to decide what to take, don’t do an animation or make it hard for me to see or decide. You don’t need to open cabinets and chests to loot them. It’s just so many inconveniences. Not to mention lack of customization for the crosshair. Should I be sitting in front of my 55inch tv? Because I can’t see the HUD or UI at all. And everything is written in messy cursive. I can read and write in it but it’s borderline illegible and only some of it provides subtitles for it.

Arthur sucks too. I did not like and him and willingly choose to not spend anymore time with him.

Overall, I did not enjoy myself at all and I was waiting for it to get better or more fun—it never did. I assume this is controversial but I tried and it just... I tried so hard to like it.

Reviewed on Jul 16, 2021


2 years ago

Removed by a moderator

2 years ago

Can you understand that not everyone likes the same games as you?
Yeah, the aggressive realism really was difficult to push through.

2 years ago

Yeah, this game wasn't for ya. I just loved the realism aspects that you pointed.