A very heartwarming story full of suspense and mystery.
The characters in this game connect and develop so well, their friendship is amazingly done and it's the most important thing in the entire game. The moments the characters share with each other is the core foundation of the story, and their team dynamic is what makes this game so special.
The school trips and social events are also a very big part of the game and they flesh out the characters more.

The gameplay is pretty solid and enjoyable, it's your typical Turn Based JRPG gameplay with few unique elements.
The social simulator aspect is easily the best part of the game, I absolutely love going out with people and partaking in events, doing the little side stories and interacting with the world the game has to offer.

As for the music, it's fantastic, I honestly didn't think I would like the music of this game as much because it's not my type of music, but it fits very well, it's light-hearted and a contradiction to the game's themes, in an excellent way.

The story is honestly very interesting, and I love how the game delves deeper into the "murder mystery" theme, giving you choices to uncover the secrets of Inaba, and even though there is definitely an illusion of choice due to the game's linear nature, it's still a pretty cool concept and I like it a lot.

Where the game shines is the atmosphere, at times it's surprisingly disturbing but for the most part it's very welcoming. The color palette is warm, cute and unique, it has a "family" vibe to it like no other game, and it feels like home.

The only problem I have with the game is the bad and lazy dungeon design, backtracking gets tedious after a while. Every area looks identical to each other, there are pretty much no puzzles, and the floors are randomly generated.

Despite some outdated mechanics, I absolutely adore this game and it's definitely one of the best JRPGs I've ever played.

Final Rating: "Excellent" ~ 9.5/10.

Reviewed on Mar 03, 2024
