A pretty nice side story for the main game, Burial at Sea - Episode One is worth checking out, however, it's a bit too short, and doesn't add anything to the story.

There are some gameplay improvements such as being able to hold multiple weapons, and additional plasmids, which is cool.

Final Rating: "Decent" ~ 6/10.

Burial at Sea - Episode Two is the epilogue of BioShock Infinite.
I enjoyed it more than I expected, even though I'm not really a fan of stealth missions.

The ending is quite interesting, but I personally didn't really like the way it connects Infinite with the first BioShock game, there is one specific plot twist near the end that honestly feels like it could've been handled better.

Ultimately, it's an ambitious expansion that's worth playing.

Final Rating: "Decent" ~ 6/10.

I don't really know how to start this review... I don't even know what rating I'm going to give to this game, because Final Fantasy XV is such a complicated experience.
As a videogame, it's a mess, while the Open World looks gorgeous, and I enjoyed exploring and doing random activities, there's not enough quality content in it, driving the car feels slow and clunky, the gameplay is very simple and doesn't have any deep mechanics, and the side quests are generic, but the very charming cast of characters kept me intrigued.

The story starts nice but gets uninteresting after the first hour, it feels like the story is absent for a big part of the game but fortunately it picks up later on, and that's a shame because it's a great story, just very poorly written and structured.

The soundtrack is phenomenal as expected, it really compliments the game and its key moments. From the beautiful overworld themes to the epic and intense battle themes, it has everything.

Even with all the issues and the questionable pacing of the story, the final chapter really saves this game, it's in my opinion my favorite chapter in the game by far, it has some genuinely challenging boss fights, all the characters get some time to shine, and the ending is pretty much one of my favorite endings ever.

Overall Final Fantasy XV is a very flawed videogame but surprisingly enough an exceptional one as well. I really like this game, It's a very interesting and rewarding experience despite the obvious flaws.

Final Rating: "Good" ~ 7/10.

Prompto gets the development he needed in the main game, which makes him more likeable, but his gameplay is very weird and clunky, and takes a while to get used to.

This is a nice expansion overall and worth playing because it adds more context to the story.

Final Rating: "Decent" ~ 6/10.

Definitely the best expansion of this game.
Ignis' gameplay is genuinely fun, using the different elements and getting to use new abilities surprised me.

There are some new story elements that are pretty cool as well. It's short but worth playing through if you enjoyed the main game.

Final Rating: "Good" ~ 7/10.

Easily the best version of this game, while it doesn't fix the fundamental issues, it adds a decent amount of content that fixes the pacing a little bit.

I don't really know how to start this review... I don't even know what rating I'm going to give to this game, because Final Fantasy XV is such a complicated experience.
As a videogame, it's a mess, while the Open World looks gorgeous, and I enjoyed exploring and doing random activities, there's not enough quality content in it, driving the car feels slow and clunky, the gameplay is very simple and doesn't have any deep mechanics, and the side quests are generic, but the very charming cast of characters kept me intrigued.

The story starts nice but gets uninteresting after the first hour, it feels like the story is absent for a big part of the game but fortunately it picks up later on, and that's a shame because it's a great story, just very poorly written and structured.

The soundtrack is phenomenal as expected, it really compliments the game and its key moments. From the beautiful overworld themes to the epic and intense battle themes, it has everything.

Even with all the issues and the questionable pacing of the story, the final chapter really saves this game, it's in my opinion my favorite chapter in the game by far, it has some genuinely challenging boss fights, all the characters get some time to shine, and the ending is pretty much one of my favorite endings ever.

Overall Final Fantasy XV is a very flawed videogame but surprisingly enough an exceptional one as well. I really like this game, It's a very interesting and rewarding experience despite the obvious flaws.

Final Rating: "Very Good" ~ 7.5/10.

A great sequel to the first Modern Warfare game.

Slight improvements over the shooting and the graphics

The story is more intense, there's way more action and it has nice set-pieces.

But the multiplayer is messy and chaotic, many guns are broken but it's still fun nonetheless.

Lastly, the Spec Ops mode is a welcome addition.

Final Rating: "Very Good" ~ 7.5/10.

The end of the original Modern Warfare Trilogy.

Unfortunately it's not innovative in terms of gameplay but it's still very fun.

My favorite story in series, more action and some very iconic missions.

The Multiplayer is a little bit bland and the maps are decent.

Last but not least, the Spec Ops missions are even better than before, there's a good amount of content.

Final Rating: "Great" ~ 8/10.

Less darker than the previous instalments in the series, but still violent and badass enough to be a true Gears of War game.

While the gameplay is redefined for the better, with a larger arsenal of weapons and tools to experiment with, the campaign seems like a step-back.

The multiplayer is the star of the show for sure, and the addition of Beast Mode is what the series really needed. The maps are broader than before and there are many new game-modes to play.

Overall it's a solid game and an improvement over Gears of War 2 in some ways, but personally I didn't like it as much.

Final Rating: "Great" ~ 8/10.


An underrated gem.
Racing is fun, the cars feel quite realistic and heavy in a good way.

As for the power-ups, they're very satisfying to use and give the game a unique personality.

Lastly, the music is great, some tracks are very catchy and exciting to listen to.

The only complaint I have is that the forced challenges are a little it annoying but not bad.

Final Rating: "Good"~ 7/10.

Finally, a true next-generation videogame experience.
After that disappointing "Remake" of 2016 I was honestly worried about the future of the series, I mean, I was excited for this game but I couldn't help but be sceptical about it.

Having played the game now I'm actually happy with how it turned out to be, the humor is decent, some jokes do land well even thought there are still many of them that are... childish, the gameplay is actually very enjoyable, the movement is improved from the previous games with some cool additional mechanics that make it very smooth and fun to play, and the characters are actually likeable!

There's way more exploration this time around, every planet has some secrets to find, and even pieces of gear to unlock which you can wear to change the way the character looks. There are also minigames as well which I tried out but they're just okay, nothing special.

Although the main story is not really memorable, it's just another adventure where you have to save the world, I did like how the rifts played a role in it, and the mechanic of how you can traverse the rifts is impressive, the way all various worlds load instantly and they also look gorgeous really shows the high quality of the game, and the effort that was put into making it.

The puzzles are alright but damn they really slow down the pacing, and there are actually many of them, not too many but more than enough.

And even with all the improvements on the movement, the additional quality of life mechanics and the brand new protagonist, at the end of the day it's still a Ratchet & Clank game and it plays very similarly to the previous games, the shooting doesn't feel fresh, and I honestly think this could've been fixed if Rivet had different weapons and play-style, it would make the game less repetitive and more rewarding.

This game is honestly a blast, it's not anything new but it does feel like a next-generation game in many ways, the haptic feedback and adaptive triggers enhance the gameplay, and the instant teleportation helps with the fast paced action and beautiful cinematic set-pieces.

It might be quite short but it's still very much worth trying out, it's just a fun little adventure, and most importantly, as of right now it's one of the very few games that actually showcases the technology of the PlayStation 5.

Final Rating: "Great" ~ 8/10.

I'm emotionally conflicted about this game.
Did I enjoy it? Well... yeah... but not really...honestly it's not even a good game, it's actually a terrible game, it does everything a game needs to do in a very bad way, and it's just not meant to be a fun experience overall, yet I still believe that it's not a bad game.

At first, I enjoyed the gameplay more than the story, walking actually feels nice, having to be careful about the terrain, managing my cargo and exploring the world felt really cool. Sure there are many annoying mechanics, but if you're careful enough, it's relaxing.
The driving is kind of weird though, sometimes it's alright but most of the time you end up getting stuck on rocks and it can get irritating, so there are moments where walking is the superior option.

There are many gadgets and tools to use, you can even create bridges and roads, and that's great but the game never really explains how to actually do it, so I ended up walking or using a vehicle. I did take advantage of the online features though, which are pretty helpful but nothing special.

Now, for the story, I don't know what to say except from the fact that it's very confusing, especially the first half of the game, so many unanswered questions, bizarre scenes and things that don't make sense at all. It's honestly quite funny, and I was very desperate to get to know more and more, but in the end... the story did make more sense, and it got better, but many things still confuse me, it's a complicated story and the characters are interesting, but there's just so much information, you can easily lose track of what's happening, mostly because the last few hours are just non-stop cutscenes and explanations upon explanations. I got to admit though, the plot twists near the end, and the emotional scenes actually made me appreciate the story more.

I don't know if I even recommend this game to anyone, it's truly one-of-a-kind, a unique experience like no other, and even though it's a mess of a videogame, it's just something else.

Final Rating: "Almost Good" ~ 6.5/10.

A grand sequel, this game is an improvement over the first game in every single way.
I'm very satisfied with the fantastic set-pieces and the high amount of action, some pretty cool moments here and there.

The biggest improvement here is the gameplay, it's more accessible, and feels grounded with additional mechanics that make it feel more like a survival game where you have to manage your resources.
As for the puzzles, they're awesome, every puzzle is creative and very unique, all in all very enjoyable.

The side content is more than enough, the game is overall very complete and there are many things you can do. Exploration is one of the game's strongest points, there's a good amount of side quests to do, tombs to raid, secrets to uncover and collectibles to find.

What didn't really surprise me is the overall story. It's very similar to the first game in some ways but it's not as dark, and the writing is straight up weak, predictable plot twists and characters making questionable decisions.

Last but not least, this is my favorite version of Lara Croft, I think she looks the best in this game, and she's very likeable.
This is my favorite Tomb Raider game.

Final Rating: "Very Good" ~ 7.5/10.

A decent way to add some depth to Lara's character.

The mansion looks great and I had fun exploring, but some puzzles are straight up annoying and just difficult to figure out.

It's a mediocre DLC but way too short, not sure if I recommend it.

Final Rating: "Average" ~ 5/10.

I don't necessarily mind the supernatural aspect in this game, but this one was way over-the-top.

Also, gathering the materials was just annoying and felt like a chore in my opinion.

Granted, I liked the creepy atmosphere, and the boss fight was something different.

Final Rating: "Weak" ~ 4/10.