Taking pictures is one of the more finnicky mechanics in many games. Having the game fail to register something can be frustrating, but for the most part it's never too big a deal.
In pupperazzi, the entire game is based around the premise of taking pictures of dogs, meaning the mechanics of the picture taking must work the majority of the time. Of course, this isn't the case at all. The games detection system seems wonky at best as taking pictures of a dog directly in the centre of the camera head on will sometimes result in the fake comments asking what dog is supposed to be the focus. The quests are similarly arbitrary with several of them not registering the dog properly despite the conditions being met.
There are essentially no extra features to grab your interest outside of taking pictures of dogs. The appeal only lasts for a very short amount of time before the game gets far too dull to continue playing.
The aesthetics are fine. However there's a strange lag that appears frequently despite the graphics being very unremarkable. Dogs and other elements having the absolute bare minimum animation, mostly consisting of the static models stretching & squashing a bit as they move.
The written text is nauseatingly "soft" "uwu" "pupper" type dialogue that made me roll my eyes to the point it hurt several times. The gimmick gets old immediately and only results in frustration at best.

Possibly the most shocking to me was that the UI design is absolutely horrific. Poorly explained and implemented. I was struggling for a good few minutes on how to even deliver on quests at all. The other menus are lacking too. No button remapping in any capacity, no real graphics settings, and the only other notable option being a setting to turn off moving cars.

Don't buy the game, don't even give it a chance on gamepass. There are far better things you can do with your time than waste it on something as dull as pupperazzi.

Reviewed on Feb 01, 2022
