Had no idea what to expect going in and was blown away in every category. Gorgeous art design, brilliant soundtrack and tone, and some of (maybe The) best writing I've experienced in a game. The mechanics let you shape how you interact with the world in ways that feel consequential and satisfying. The characters are wonderfully written and feel endearingly human. The world itself feels alive and there's a sense of it moving around you. The way it integrates ttrpg elements makes your character feel real and adds to the immersion. The story is wildly huge and occasionally overwhelmingly so, but it didn't put me off as much as it encouraged me to uncover more about the world and its inhabitants. The mood and tone are powerful and its a staggeringly emotional experience. Its filled with moments where you will labor over decisions and wince as you press the button to see if you're pressing your luck, and it feels that there are countless ways to progress through the story and uncover more about the world. It could be a bit slow up front for some, and to say it's story driven is a comical understatement (to say its a visual novel is a criminal disservice, but there are Heaps of text). The final cut adds full voice acting, and its some of the absolute best I've experienced, it really sells the characters and adds life to the world. Overall its a profound and wickedly satisfying experience.

Reviewed on Feb 17, 2024
