Honestly I'm genuinely glad that I was able to enjoy this game as much as I have already. I've played for about 20 hours (majority with a friend in multiplayer) and my experience so far has been amazing.

I've played Monster Hunter before when I bought World and tried that on PC, but I felt it was too slow and getting around the world was slow and sometimes clumsy. This game is clumsy in the good way and is much faster than the previous entry.

Playing the game from being a complete beginner to a competent hunter was something special for sure. Earlier when I said "the good kind of clumsy" I mean the beginning of the game when you're getting thrown around by creatures 3 times your size while learning how the game works. And after a while of getting your ass politely handed to you, you start to realise your own way of playing the game. Of course everyone who's played Monster Hunter already knows this so as a newcomer I suppose this is what it would have felt like playing the first few games.

With a combination of action-packed battles and a touch of strategy with approaching a monster's weaknesses makes me feel like I'm genuinely getting ready to fight behemoths. With the addition of always feeling like I'm getting stronger by using the parts of the monster I hunted to create brand new weapons with different elemental affinities, I found myself switching weapons for their affinity rather than just using the biggest number.

A great game that I wish I had gotten into sooner.

Reviewed on Jul 15, 2022
