There is a lot to like about FFV, but there is also a lot that is holding it back. For one, some of the characters and even villains are not very well developed. For example, Gilgamesh. I love Gilgamesh, but that's only because of the questlines he has in FF14. In this game, he's a guy that shows up every once in a while, fights, loses, runs away, and repeat. He forms a bond with the party and grows to like them, but I never once felt that bond. If I ever had the chance to interact with him outside of battle, then maybe I'd feel more attached to him. As is, he's just this guy that shows up every once in a while.

The job system in this game is great, but it also holds the game back at times. I love tweaking my party and finding cool combinations. But there are times where if you don't go into a boss fight with the right setup, then good luck. It's super annoying when you have a great lineup and are getting through the regular fights without much difficultly, and then the boss is immune to almost everything you can do to them. That's just bad game design.

I don't want to come across as negative about the game though. It is good, but I consider it the weakest out of the SNES era games. The Pixel Remaster is the best way to play V if you don't have a copy already.

Reviewed on Jun 22, 2024
