$100,000. $100,000. That is how much you can expect to pay if you don't want to spend countless hours grinding to get your character maxed out. $100,000. That is insane. There is no justification for that. None. Don't give me the garbage excuse that devs deserve to be paid for their work. Not a penny of that is going to devs. It is all going to bonuses and vacations for the C-suite as they tout their bottom line to investors. If you're willing to put up with this kind of crap, then you are what's wrong with modern gaming.

The Blizzard we all loved growing up is long dead.

Reviewed on Jun 03, 2022


6 months ago

Some estimates place it closer to 500k or ten years of daily playing for F2P users to max a character. Take all this with a grain of salt since I haven’t seen any calculations that seem airtight with their numbers plus rng would also play a role in how much time / money it would take to max.

6 months ago

The saddest thing to me is that a lot of people who defend this game’s practices are probably people who have already sunk a lot of time and/or money into the game and don’t want to admit that this was all a waste. This is obviously an understandable / incredibly common response to stuff like this but still bums me out:

6 months ago

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6 months ago

@Parllax_M I wish I could like comments. I fully agree with you.