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It's fine for the most part. It's a pretty faithful remake of the original game, but Square Enix has never been able to not mess things up, I mean, attempt to improve the game. This time they decided to give Chaos a massive difficultly spike. I had no issues with any of the content and even the second fights with the fiends weren't that difficult, but Chaos was altogether another beast. My first two times fighting him, Chaos cast Haste on himself right away, doubling his physical attacks. Casting protect and invisible on my party did nothing, and he just butchered me. Not much I can do when he can even oneshot my level 47 knight with the best armor in the game on a crit. Finally on the third attempt, the RNG blessed me to not have him cast haste on himself until he was nearly dead. His magic spells were pretty easily handled, but good luck if you have the same luck as I did and are forced to deal with haste early on.

All in all, the remake was fine. The music alone was incredible. But that last fight doesn't have me looking forward to any other "fixes" they tried to implement in the rest of the Pixel Remaster series.

Reviewed on Oct 08, 2022
