Log Status






Time Played

129h 0m

Days in Journal

16 days

Last played

January 21, 2024

First played

January 6, 2024

Library Ownership


- character and monster designs are detailed and well-animated
- consistent frame rate in both standard and enhanced mode
- charming and likeable cast of characters
- story missions possess an adequate amount of variety, preventing the overall game from becoming too monotonous
- boss battles are frequently challenging and exciting
- vocations provide Lazarel and Teresa choices for both playstyle and role
- monster medals have been improved by introducing a third type that transforms any character into that monster, temporarily granting access to an assortment of new abilities

- reused animations for all returning characters from the original Dragon Quest Heroes
- invisible walls occasionally obstruct the player in unusual locations
- forgettable soundtrack, comprised of an excessive amount of reused tracks from previous Dragon Quest games
- mostly uninteresting and predictable main story
- several side quests involve obnoxious conditions; the most egregious being those that request defeating a bulky enemy with a specific ability
- AI-controlled characters are unable to handle certain mechanics and generally avoid using damage-dealing abilities, causing some battles to be unnecessarily frustrating and overly drawn-out
- some playable characters are underwhelming in terms of performance; particularly Torneko and Ruff
- experience and gold obtained from enemies are insufficient, which discourages the usage of different characters and vocations
- upgrading accessories requires an inordinate amount of grinding for insignificant stat boosts