Turok 2 Seeds of Evil both improves from the first while also failing in certain aspects that the first game did better.

Graphically the game is great, the new weapons you get are fun as hell. There’s actually a story this time, each level having a bit of history from Adon and having mission objectives and not just finding keys. Each level also has enemies that are in certain levels only, giving each a distinct feel and tone. The many death animations are funny to watch as well. There is even a fast travel system with a warp portal, allowing you to get to certain parts of levels to help get to hidden keys quicker. These warp portals allow Adon to give you full health & ammo if you need it.

Where the game falls short is in some mechanical aspects. Turok moves slower here meaning you’ll be taking more time to finish levels. Said levels, while fun to play, are also unnecessarily long in some parts. That and while most of the weapons are cool, some could’ve been cut. The tranquilizer gun is useless, even more so once you get the Dart Charger which does the same thing but faster. The starting weapons and talon should’ve been replaced once you get the better versions of them. And the flare gun has no purpose.

However, the game overall is just as great as the first. Each have their own ups and downs that constantly makes me go back and forth on which is better. Definitely a great shooter.

Reviewed on Aug 04, 2022
