The episode is the one I liked the least but the story has some good links with Crossbell/Erebonia events.
I liked Kevin & Ries story and the lore on the dominions and the squire. Olivert's goal and Osborne's one are a bit more explain here. This game is actually important to understand what's happening in the background of Class VII's journey in Cold Steel I and II. Also Renne's story was the big moment of this game to me.
However, the game could have been way shorter to be better. Some stories were really not that interesting and to me, just there to make the game bigger. The difficulty was sometimes really ridiculous with fights who seemed made to be lost (CB for example); like you think you have won but suddenly, the enemy has strangely four to five turns following and wipe out your team. There is no way of fighting to learn, it's just there to make you restart the fight with a boss with less HP.
Overall, not a bad game but it's not at the level of Sky SC at all or even FC.

Reviewed on May 17, 2024
