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3 days ago

4 days ago

guilhermehnp shelved SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated
Esse jogo sofre com os problemas de ser um remake quase 1 pra 1 com o original. O design das fases são pouco inspirados e tem uma estrutura meio linear que faz você perder muitas coisas e ter que voltar diversas vezes. Amo collectathon, mas essa estrutura mais antiga não me atrai muito...

Acabei dropando por agora por que o jogo é só chato, cheguei na metade e ainda não consegui me divertir..

5 days ago

iyellatcloud finished Snatcher
It's surprising to me that this really quite excellent cyberpunk-noir title sold so poorly outside of Japan, but I think there were two factors behind this: its potent cocktail of gore, violence, and mature themes significantly reduced the demographic of gamers who would buy it, and it seemingly is one of the first (if not the first) visual novels to be released outside of Japan, into a playerbase that is more accustomed to point-and-click adventure games.

In a way, my initial experience with this game probably mirrored that of the West in general - this might be my first visual novel, and I was baffled at first by the linearity, the lack of difficulty, and the lack of... gameplay, really. But I warmed up to it quickly enough - the genre's laserlike focus on telling a story made the experience like reading a book but with extra interactivity, and the ability to take things at my own pace. Gillian Seed, who was investigating the menace of the Snatchers (humanoid robots who kill people and take their place), could either be played as a no-nonsense straight-laced agent, or a talented goof-off who flirts with anything that moves and drinks booze on the government's dime, or anything in-between. With each new area and next stage of the investigation, I could either rush through with urgency or spend time interacting with everything and soaking up the impressive tapestry of lore, and I enjoyed the freedom that this genre afforded me. And, of course, Hideo Kojima being Hideo Kojima, the game made very clever use of the medium to pull of some clever tricks that books can't; in a very early example of this, your companion hears a faint noise and rather than outright telling you what it is, prompts you to turn the volume up so you can hear it yourself.

Of course, an interactive book is only any good if the story itself is good, and Snatcher definitely delivers on that! A lot of the plot elements seem derivative, especially today, but that doesn't take away from how well-crafted the world is, how cool some of the plot twists are, and how this story about synthetic life forms replacing people contains a heart and humanity that I associate with Kojima's best works. The pacing and storytelling is generally good too, though it suffers slightly from a need to over-recap key plot points, and several jumpscares or genuinely tense moments lose some of that thrill due to being overly-telegraphed.

This is an easy recommend to anyone - a patchwork of cinematic influences and inspirations that contains the seeds of Kojima's later work, easy enough to play to completion, both streamlined and compelling enough to never wear out its welcome.

5 days ago

guilhermehnp is now playing Open Roads

6 days ago

guilhermehnp played Fallout 76
Tem algo muito errado com esses RPGs da Bethesda... tipo, já deu, sabe?
Fallout 76 não é tãaaaaoo ruim quanto eu pensava, só não dá pra engolir um jogo de 300h com um conteúdo tão chato.

Construir bases, ficar com inventário cheio de tranqueira, missões vazias e repetitivas, voice acting que parece IA... isso não engaja mais.

Muito se fala do design de jogos da Ubisoft ser uma merda, mas eu acho que desgosto tanto quanto (ou talvez mais) da Bethesda...

6 days ago

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