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Team Ninja continues to make the best Action RPGs I've ever played. The combat feels incredible. It's flashy, intense, and fun while making me feel cool as hell. Sticks to Nioh structurally, but the combat system is new making it stand on its own. The enemy variety is small like in Nioh, but it doesn't get old. They still keep me on my toes during the entire game. The bosses are great. There's not a weak one in the bunch, and the game gets playful with them. One of them even evoked Super Mario Galaxy. The level design gets creative like Nioh 2 with more ways to reward exploration with the new flag and fortitude system. Managing morale and spirit add extra elements of tension to combat making me worry about more things than just my health. It's such an exciting game. I'm not really a fan of soulslikes or action RPGs in general including From Software's, but Team Ninja's games are just undeniable. They are the masters of this genre.