The pacing in this one is weird! It was really drawing me in, and I found myself not really having a desire to find every hint coin and every puzzle and really 100% this one. I think it’s mostly because I just wanted to get this one over with so I could get to Unwound Future. It’s just interesting, the direction of this story and scenario. I always thought we might get back on the train, or have to go back to Dropstone for a minute, or maybe we’d visit the castle and escape and need to investigate more, but it’s a very linear storyline and before I knew it, all of the mysteries were being solved one after the other! The puzzles felt a little more repetitive this time, not that many satisfying ones, a lot of either just following some string or wires, etc. Just really wasn’t feeling this one, though when it finally all unraveled and I got the bigger picture, this is still a good installment, just not really as punchy as Curious Village. I’m a little worried, now, that Unwound Future isn’t the masterpiece I think of it as.

Reviewed on Aug 11, 2022
