Makes an actual game out of the first virtual pets that were really passive, simple machines. Adds more stats, double the Tamagotchis (than were in a single device), adds more activities, and it also has some amazing sprite work! Sprites that add more than just a few extra bits to these Tamas and it makes them look so cute and lively. This game is worth it to try just to see all of the sprites of the adults, in my opinion. Can definitely imagine kids hanging out playing these together and keeping their Game Boys on until the batteries go. Only problem is the localization is so bad. In the main menu, the ‘Exit’ option goes to the main menu and the ‘Home’ option SENDS YOUR TAMAGOTCHI BACK TO THEIR HOME PLANET!!! Definitely would recommend getting a ROM for this if you can’t or don’t want to spend money on the newer devices. The "tournaments" aren't crazy deep, and the 'study' and 'sports' games are really simple, and the 'sports' game is a lot more random and frustrating than the other. Also, the deaths in this game are extremely violent (FLASHING LIGHTS WARNING, for one thing), which just makes losing a buddy a real grief-inducing event, lol. So, as much as I can imagine kids hanging out and playing this together, I can also imagine one having their first panic attack as the game violently beeps and flashes as their little friend sits there, flatlined, X's in their eyes, until the turn into an angel and go to heaven.

Anyways, they’re really wasting opportunities to do Digimon-style RPGs or adventure games with these little guys. They also only have one game on smartphones and it’s maybe the ugliest Tamagotchi game I could conjure up in the dark conclaves of my mind.

Reviewed on Jul 23, 2023


10 months ago

Every tamagotchi I ever had almost immediately shat all over the place and died, and it was like the thing that's convinced me to never care for a pet alone.

10 months ago

@Weatherby some of these guys can really chug out waste, lol, but i’m so attentive to these goobers i’ve toilet trained them.