Sometimes, you just crave a power trip and want to be edgy as hell. This game delivers exactly that, wrapped in a Star Wars skin. The plot feels like something a child with no friends but with all the coolest toys would come up with. If you can embrace that, it's an enjoyable experience. However, if you're seeking a compelling story or characters with any depth, this is not the game you're looking for.

Reviewed on Jun 29, 2024


oh, so i could've wrote this game then? awesome!

3 days ago

@KatietheSqurge Probably? I was basing it on my experience. I can totally see kid me writing this type of story. At least this one was fun as a one-off, the sequel has no excuse.
yeahhhh the sequel suuuucks, and feels even more like a child's imagination of a star wars game and it definitely isn't helped by its unfun gameplay lol