My journey to the 1000 games badge begins with this one. I was always intrigued by the cover, and with this goal (and checking the lenght in howlongtobeat) I decided to try it out. It's honestly not that terrible, it's just okay-ish enough. I enjoyed my (short) time with it, but to be honest, I'm never coming back to this. Can't even see myself telling my friends to try it out. The cover is still funny, so it gets half a point for that.

Reviewed on Jul 01, 2024


2 days ago

good luck on 1000 game . sound like a lot . i can no imagine .

2 days ago

@mlinguine Thank you! I'm planning on visiting this era of gaming to help with the goal, I always wanted to play these games and now I have even more of a reason!

2 days ago

@mlinguine it's 100% doable if you are a person with a lot of free time such as myself. I'm playing about 1000h per year. I bet I'll reach 1000 games before you lol @LJ_90. I'm at 250 right now.
In all seriousness tho, gaming is supposed to be a hobby not an obsession.

2 days ago

@TurtleSlayer Good luck with that goal! I plan on reaching the 1000 games in the next 14-16 months, or maybe even more! It'll probably be the last badge I earn in backloggd, but I'm excited about having that goal, it adds to the hobby to have a challenge. As long as everybody is having fun and all responsabilities are being met properly, let's all enjoy some games!
@LJ_90 I don't think I'll make it unless I count the games I dropped early. Wich I will not do because I don't want to saturate my profile with Games I don't care about. I'm gonna focus on the 500 games badge for now. Good Luck!