Definitely epitomizes the gripping anxiety I have whenever I think to myself that I should go out presenting femininely. I once decided to myself to go get some food in a skirt and a wig, and I figured if I could do that for myself, then I could do anything.

What happened was I starved myself all day in my dorm room alone to try and force myself out. As I did so, it almost felt like a million eyes were on me. There were families walking along the sidewalk and it felt like they were judging me, bringing their children in close.

My vision was narrow and tunneled in. I didn't dare look around for fear of catching a monster's eye. As such, every memory that I have of that moment feels covered in a layer of Vaseline. I could barely hear the people at the food place call out my name. While nothing happened to me that entire time, I sure as hell felt like I could've died at any moment. And you know what? I could've. The world can be dangerous sometimes, and I don't blame the protagonist for what she's thinking based on what she went through.

I can't really derive any greater meaning from this game other than it did an amazing job at bringing back those heebie-jeebies that I got from my time in the past. I wish it was a bit longer so it could potentially stick with me better but hey it was only 50 cents for me. I recommend!

Reviewed on Sep 16, 2023
