I don't blame the game's programmer, Todd Frye, for the way this port turned out at all considering the hardware at the time but dear LORD this is an insult to the original in every which way.

It's like an executive walked by a Pac-Man arcade game once and tried to describe it to someone trying to recreate it. And, programming limitations aside, I still don't get why Pac-Man has an eye? Or why the portals are on the top and bottom? Or why Atari apparently had a dumbass policy saying that only space games can have black background? WHAT is the point of it? So some confused consumer doesn't walk by and purchase it on sight for thinking it's a space game and they get mad cause it's not?? I really wish I knew what was going on in that time period.

The gameplay itself is...not great either. Pac-Man moves fine but the flickering ghosts give me a headache and they cycle too fast for me to see. Maybe they could have changed up the gameplay so that you have to keep track of all of the ghosts and where they are at all times. I don't know, there was really no saving this game. I need to pop some of those pills that Pac-Man was eating in this port so I can send myself into a coma.

Reviewed on Apr 21, 2023
