I came into this game really excited because of all the hype surrounding it throughout the year.

Sadly, while I enjoyed my time with it, I just didn't quite gel with it. The rhythm aspects of it didn't click with me in the way that I was hoping and I wasn't into the story or characters all that much. There are a couple of times late in the game that are supposed to be these heartfelt coming together moments, but they didn't quite land with me, in part because I wasn't entirely bought in on everything leading up to those moments.

Korsica was great though. She was my favorite of the bunch. There are also some genuinely cool set pieces and boss encounters. And the few times I did get into the flow of combat, it really did click with me.

I had a good time overall, and may go back to it at some point to do the extra stuff.

Reviewed on Jan 01, 2024
