First I want to mention that you dont have to start with The Evil Within 1 to play the sequel, however I'd recommend to start with the first one cause you might end up confused over some fragments of lore or some characters.

I like the half-open world in this game, most of the locations are pretty solid, they are kinda linear but it was fun and scary to wander around. There are scripted events, I would prefer to change them to random events. There arent many ammo around and there are no dodges so you often have to be unconventional. Many weapons, most of them are typical fe.: shotgun, ar, pistol, flamethrower etc.. Crossbow is intriguing because its different bolts can interact with area.
Crafting system is really nicely done in this game, and rpg elements like buying new "perks" and upgrading weapons are a cool addition.
Story is pretty soppy? Typical good vs bad story with loads of playing on players feelings, they want you to get emphatic. Plot is kinda predictable, there are a couple of plot twists, a one or two side plot and that's it.
Main character is a father who wants to rescue his daughter, he will do anything to achieve his goal. He evolves as the plot progresses from a depressed, addicted and lost person to a confident and strong emotionally father, he is pretty charming but tbh I didnt really get involved with his character, he is decently written tho.
Kidman is a side character who seems to played an important role in the prequel, here she is barely seen, cant say much. Important character in the world but not important for the story.
Main character's kid- Lily is nothing more than a plot device.
Main character's wife- Myra is a character that we mostly hear about or see in the flashbacks, she is a major character in the late game, but she isnt interesting at all, she just wants to protect her child and she is willing to do as much as sacriface herself for the sake of Lily- her daughter.
Sound design is cool, it captures the psychedelic atmosphere of the game. Soundtracks are nice aswell, especially in boss fight with Stefano or when the "Ghost Lady" appears.
Graphic is fine, havent had any glitches and cutscenes looked pretty solid aswell.
Mechanics such as walkie-talkie are immersive and that is something I really approve.
Fun factor: I had fun depending on the locations, loved the open ones. Plot was dragged and it didnt get me involved, had some fun shooting to the enemies. Exploring system wasn't fun but it was neceserry to survive on the hard level. Overall I can say I had fun playing this game.
If you like survival horror games with the half open world and a solid combat system topped with good sound design The Evil Withing 2 is definitely for you.
Nevertheless if you are looking for a great story with interesting characters and captivating lore, you won't find it here.
This is survival horror game so, when I launch it I prioritize good gameplay, audio and mechanics. however plot in this game is really important so I can't ignore it.

Reviewed on Feb 14, 2024
