Balatro 2024

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I showed this game to my wife and I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm straight-up addicted to video poker.

This feels like it's missing an x-factor. StS or BoI have this feeling like anything could happen at any time dozens of runs in, and at least so far it feels like the Joker design could have got a little more zany to keep runs fresh or introduce brand new mechanics. They really just revolve around number crunching, and it gets a bit repetitive. Talking it over with a (math major) friend it sounds like the high card strategies are a little one-sided and really the only way to certain success. Standard card packs also suck. It definitely needs some balance tweaking, but as-is the (math major) crunch is still pretty fun. Plus the aesthetic is great. I can't believe the one song is so - wait, am I straight-up addicted to video poker?