The newest Kirby takes a lot of inspiration from Super Mario 3D World, which is definitely a good thing. It's a pleasant, though mind-numbingly easy, trek through a variety of worlds with fantastic art direction. The optional objectives are a neat way to increase replay value, and there's a good amount of secrets to find in each level. I would have liked more Copy abilities, in particular I miss the Fighter ability, but the various Mouthful Modes make up for it.

On a technical level, it's a mess, with a low resolution, zero anti-aliasing, and transparencies that are dithered like it's a PS1 game. The framerate can be unstable in some areas too, but I found it mostly solid. It's a Switch game, though, so all of this is to be expected.

And, by the way, this game does follow in the grand tradition of Kirby games having bizarre, dark ending sequences. This time, it's equal parts Resident Evil, Oddworld, Bloodborne, and Devil May Cry. And that's AFTER the world that looks like Hell on Earth from Doom Eternal.


Reviewed on Apr 02, 2022
