You know what? This really isn't that bad! We all love to completely dogpile on this game and its creators for being incompetent at delivering something worthwhile or that isn't insulting to its players, complete padding and unnecessary filler to make it feel much more complete than it actually is.

But for once I can safely say, this is the only game that I wouldn't refund. There's less unfairness (although there still is, but at that point, would you expect otherwise?), the story actually doesn't make me rip my hair out for once, the voice acting and guests are much more interesting now that they aren't limited to one language and the brothers don't talk as much (thank God), and overall it's just much more fun.

I don't expect them to stay on this track nor the next game to be better, after all, this franchise is deeply rooted in inconsistency and there's nothing that could fix that, but I'm glad they are beginning to actually try doing something...... not awful, instead of throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks (as seen with the previous entry, VI, that had 30 different ideas cramped into one game with not a single one of them landing) or doing the bare minimum and expecting people to bite into it (the first two games).

Also, we stan a gay king (it's canon, I don't care what you say), thank you Toadster, I love you.

Reviewed on May 10, 2024
