This is unfortunately the worst game I've ever beaten. You know how critics back in the day would go like "oh this is so painful" and do a bunch of unfunny bits about how agonizing it is to consume a piece of media? I actually felt that exaggerated level of pain when I played this game because of how slow and meaningless it all felt. The gameplay is so ok I can't say much about it (kinda neat that you can summon the same demon a bunch of times if you get them, I think it's the only megaten game where you can do that) but the waiting it forces you to go through is unbearable. Some of the later maps are gigantic, filled with enemies with placement that is designed to waste your time, forcing you to go to each corner of the map to kill every enemy. The enemy turn time is the main problem, the game goes to each enemy unit on the map and determines if it can do anything from where it is, and if it can't it will move 1 or 2 spaces for no reason. That process can go on for like 10 minutes or longer sometimes I swear. It feels like Chinese water torture, the repitition weared away at me something fierce. And when I say meaningless I really mean it because this game has next to no story, read the smt wiki page on it and you will get everything the game tells you, more actually because some of the context from the manuel is in the wiki page write up.

It's a shame because the art and music are good, it sounds very nice and looks really good, very detailed pixel art. The main designs for the hero and heroine are cool and some of the art in the manuel is actually pretty cute and made me want to like them as a couple, but they don't chracterize them enough for me to care or feel anything. I unfortunately can't listen to a lot of the tracks either because I literally get a pit in my stomache when I listen to some of it and feel sick (not a joke, I got pavlov dog-ed into hating it).
This is the worst megaten game to me and I don't think anything will top it.

Reviewed on Jun 02, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

Da best Majin Tensei review.