Vertical shoot em up. Upgrades for your main forward shot, secondary attack is a laser that locks onto targets that are below you in the environment that can be upgraded to alow for additional lock-ons. Ground forces, parts of large ships and bosses, flying enemies that are moving to attack you on your level, etc. The laser attack is fun to use, the game looks great, and having a focus on enemies at different angles makes things visually interesting and it's one of the best looking shoot em ups I've played. Enemies have some unique attack patterns due to a wide assortment of weapons but it can sometimes be difficult to tell when they attacked or where an attack will even come from. That combined with enemies that really like to fly quickly towards the bottom of the screen to escape or actively try to ram you can make things a bit overly difficult unless you know exactly what to expect as you are a bit slow and a fairly large target.


Reviewed on May 16, 2021
