Oh boy.

This game is hard to judge. It's a game that I think should be played, but it's a game I can't say many people will actually enjoy without nostalgic context. This was my first real console game. I was 7 years old when I played this, from a step brother's N64. And, for better or for worse, my entire sense of humour, preferred vibes and aesthetics, all spawned from this game. I like the absurdity, the whackiness, good use of references. I love something that is so goofy but also tries to keep itself on track, something that tries to convince you its something you could at least take seriously.

This game controls like ass, though. It is miserable to play, and its sense of humour is incredibly dated. People playing it for the first time now will not enjoy it, of that I'm almost certain. But fuck, this game does mean a lot to me. A whole lot. I wouldn't want it to change a bit, really. It can stay the dumpster fire that it is and I'll love it for it.

Reviewed on Mar 28, 2023
