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Man, three years ago I probably would have given this a four, it was really good, so what happened?

Well, the story starts in 2021, with the release of the 'Beyond Light' expansion for 'Destiny 2', where Bungie removed all of the content for the game that was made during its first year. I hold the decidedly hot take that this was an excellent move, I can not say I am at all a fan of year one 'Destiny 2' content, in fact, I despise most of it. I thought that the content sat awkwardly, from a game design and tonal aesthetic standpoint, against the rest of the game after two expansions, and to see it removed was a great improvement in my eyes [this is a hill I will die on, if you have any inquires on this take feel free to hit me up.]

So, now to be less contentious, the decision to remove content from year two and onward was... hmmm... there's an English phrase for this... uhhh... oh yeah! Really really fucking stupid! I apologise for being so curt and I understand that it was to weaken the load on the engine, but this was far too much, there should have been an attempt at some other workaround and I sincerely hope the content expunged makes a return in the future. With this decision, big chunks of the Forsaken expansion have vanished, and while the content which remains is still excellent and some of the best work Bungie as a studio has ever accomplished, the price point for said content is nothing short of egregious. I respect Bungie as a studio, as artists, I even—in spite of what a lot of people think about their catalogue—hold them in pretty high regard, but this is a shameful point for the team and absolutely abhorrent practice. Do not, under any circumstances, purchase this downloadable content outside of a sale or some form of value bundle.

To not mince words, this DLC should be free, and I'm shocked that it isn't.