As it turns out something happened whilst playing this game that flipped a switch in my head, causing me to think I was a tall PMS-333 octopus man named "Squidward" who had distinct tastes in clarinets and all forms of art and LOATHED cashier jobs.

I saw a therapist about it and he just laughed REALLY hard at me, thinking I was delusional. They then threw a yellow block of cheese with holes in it and that pissed me off so hard that I began furiously eating it, shouting Spongebob's name.

Remember Big, the movie with Tom Hanks about a kid who ends up becoming a man from a carnival attraction? It's like that except I became Squidward from playing this game. And unlike that movie, there's no way for me to turn back.

It's not that bad. Sometimes I'm invited to put my art up at art exhibitions, and VERY RARELY do I get invited to perform gigs at concerts. I'm also very well-known at socialite parties.

Good game though.

Reviewed on Jan 07, 2024
