Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

August 21, 2022

Platforms Played


Coffee Talk is a game that could not be a game. The story and characters are really good but the gameplay is poor.

You are a maneger of a coffee shop and you have to attend the clients and do their coffee. The problem is there's not a chalenge here and it's pretty easy to do do what they ask. You will only face some chalenge when the game don't tell how to do a type of coffee and you really have to guess what ingredients are the correct without a clue.

The game is divided in "days" and each one takes 20 minutes to finish. I can say that you just play 1 minute of these 20 minutes. The rest of the time you'll be reading the clients dialogs and know their life.

You almost cannot intervene in the story. There are just a few decisions to make.

Coffee Talk is really what the title says. It's a "game" that you'll hear conversations in a coffee shop. That's all!