Princess Peach: Showtime is a 2D side-scrolling game. The game is divided into stages, each with a thematic change that alters the gameplay.

In some stages, you are a hero; in others, you are a ninja, a cook, etc. Each stage is designed similarly, focusing on something very similar to Super Mario power-ups.

Despite this variety of powers, each one is somewhat boring. Some are more developed than others, but in general, all of them are too simple.

The visuals are good but nothing spectacular. The art is cool, and the animation is okay.

The story, like in every Mario game, is there just to indicate that there is one. Nothing special or well-developed.

I must clarify that this game was developed for kids. Even so, this is not an excuse for some of the problems we see in this game.

For adults, the game is too easy. There’s nothing here that keeps you engaged.

It’s kind of cool that Princess Peach has a new game. After the success of the Mario movie, it’s a good idea to give this character more attention, but she didn’t get what she deserved.

To finish this review, I recommend that you stay away from this game. Princess Peach: Showtime is a bad title, and this character deserved so much more. Even if you're thinking of buying this game for a kid, there are many other games I would recommend before this one.

Reviewed on Jun 30, 2024


2 days ago

Dang man, you really didn't like this haha.

2 days ago

@RedBackLoggd Yes, unfortunately. The game could and should be much more. It's just a children's game that still doesn't do anything very well. I don't know if you played it, but I don't see anything good in it.

2 days ago

I haven't, and based on your review, most likely won't ever. Tbf, I don't think the SMB franchise is ever gonna radically innovate, so any gimmicks like Princess Peach ShowTime have a good chance of being letdowns unfortunately.
@RedBackLoggd I think the main games in the Mario 3D franchise have a common structure, but each one has a significant innovation. Now, clearly, this particular game had a much smaller budget, and to me, Nintendo was promoting it as a AAA title.

I don't know where you live, but here in Brazil, games cost a lot of money. Some families need to work three months to afford a single game, which is why I think it's a disservice to have a game like this in emerging markets, especially when they heavily advertise localizing this game for our language but deliver a mediocre experience.

I ended up going off-topic a bit, but stay away from this game :P
To be clear I'm referring to the SMB subset specifically, not the general Super Mario franchise, which I agree has extensive innovative b/w entries.

I take it it doesn't have much content? HLTB says 8 hours.

15 hrs ago

@RedBackLoggd Now it makes more sense. I had misunderstood. I thought you didn't like the main franchise and there are many people who think it hasn't evolved.

In the case of this specific game, it is simply bad. At least the suffering is short.

15 hrs ago

Nah, those people are idiots lol. How can anyone say Sunshine and Galaxy are the same game?