I'm lawyer so I have to start this review saying that's not how a court works and you'll never see a lawyer on the field looking for clues.

I know the game doesn't try to be realistc but I think they lost a really good chance to be more real. I'm not a huge fan of paranormal part on the plot. They should have focus on a lawyer trying to start his carrear in a very import trial.

The game is also to long and we lost a lot of time on the field looking for clues. The fun part is the trial and we have to wait a lot to get to this point.

The trial is very fun but you save the game often, unless you don't see a problem to play again 30 minutes of something that you already did.

I was expecting to really see consequences if I fail. My client should go to the jail if I wasn't good enough. They lost a good chance to do that.

The good parts are amazing but there are something that made me fell bored on the gameplay.

Reviewed on Jul 18, 2022


1 year ago

I only played the first one on the DS for a while. I bought the PS4 collection though recently but haven't got to playing them yet in my backlog.

1 year ago

@FallenGrace Maybe on DS it was better but now that I already palyed modern games, you see the problems

1 year ago

The sequels do go a lot more in depth with the lawyer aspect of the series whereas Ace Attorney 1 is more of a character driven story which is why it's my favorite in the series
Yeah I agree with speedy on why 1 is so good, it's also my favorite but 3 comes damn close

1 year ago

It's good to hear you both. I'm planing to play the sequels some day. I bought the collection and I was expecting good games. I finished the first one and I got a little tired. It was too long... The investigation is boring... The court part is really fun but there's no challenge 'cause you save any moment.

1 year ago

You might have seen this already, but here's a video that might be right up your alley (it's about the anime, but the plot is the same): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=om6BMBhhoPo

1 year ago

@Lucca202 I never saw this. I will watch for sure. I don't know that's how the Japonese court works but it's different from where I work (Brazil) and where this lawyer from the video works (USA), but it will probably fun to watch

23 days ago

Na verdade, a forma que os advogados trabalham nesse mundo do jogo é algo bem diferente, mesmo. Eles são ao mesmo tempo detetives e advogados. O detetive, mesmo, é um atrapalhado. Mas realmente não é para ser realista.

Aliás, no mundo do jogo o testemunho de um papagaio e de uma médium tiveram valor probatório hahahahah