Portal is a classic game that changed the industry forever. I played Portal 2 years before but the original game was in my backlog since its release. A few weeks ago, I turned on my PS3 after so many years and finally gave it a chance.

When you play this game on the PS3 you see how old it is. The loading screens take forever to finish and the gameplay looks kind of old. Even with all that, you can have a lot of fun and the puzzles are still very good.

Portal 2 improved everything designed in this one but this doesn't make Portal bad.

The game is really short but it's incredible how the story and the gameplay are really good.

If you have the chance to play Portal, play Portal. It's a short game that you'll have a lot of fun and see how the industry used a lot of things designed for it.

Reviewed on Oct 26, 2022


1 year ago

I still haven't played either of these games....

1 year ago

@FallenGracce Portal 2 is near perfect. Portal 1 is really good but you can see how old it is

1 year ago

I've heard so many good things about Portal 2. One day, one day...

1 year ago

Currently going through Portal 2, no idea why I left it so long considering how much I loved this one.

1 year ago

@Nades Portal 2 is even better! =)

11 months ago

I wouldn't say the game aged at all, this game feels timeless because of its simplistic nature and art style, also i wouldnt say it changed the industry but it did bring innovation and new mechanics to the table.

I find it amazing how Valve did this, they started with Half Life in 1998 and then a year later released Counter Strike as a side mod/project with it then it went mainstream to become the biggest FPS E-Sports game of all time.

Then during the Source engine period, they made Half Life 2 and released CS Source later, by the end of the HL2 cycle they made expansions and sold it all in one package in the Orange Box, to spice things up they made Portal, an ambitious little side project with it, it released to huge success and people liked it, so they went on and made it a full game in Portal 2.

Its amazing when you think about it, yeah Portal is amazing concept and i hope we can get more of it, sadly this developer cannot count to 3.

11 months ago

@Brock I think Portal was the first major 3D puzzle game that was a success. Then we had The Witness, The Room, Antichamber, and The Talos Principle. Just off the top of my head, I remember the developers of Quantum Conundrum talking about how much they looked up to Portal.

I also think the way the story is told ended up reshaping how it's done in all current games.

I agree that the game is simple, but I think it was more of a budgetary issue. It was a small project.

Indeed, the release period of Portal was incredible for Valve. It's a shame that they don't seem to want to revive that because they are so focused on Steam.

11 months ago

Now that you put it that way, i think im going to agree with you. It did indeed influence the puzzle genre.