It's weird revisiting games from childhood. It's always a dangerous gamble to see if they'll hold up, or if the glossy illusion of perfection will be shattered.

In this case, it was a bit of both. Most of this game rocks. Everything concerning the presentation and atmosphere is awesome, and has stayed so for the last 20 years. The coat of paint of the remaster only solidifies that.

The game design as well is remarkably strong (the game feel is still so good), but good god, the BACKTRACKING.

The last two hours of this game are unbearable. Finding the artifacts to go meet the last boss is one of the most tedious things a Metroidvania could hope to ask of a player, and there's no fast travel ! Even the bosses felt like neverending slogs. Their difficulty comes not from actual skill-based challenge, but the minutes you'll spend waiting for them to open up their guard and chip at their gigantic health.

It remains a game I love dearly, but whose flaws I see much more clearly now. I'm glad games of this type have evolved beyond this point design-wise, and although I respect this gem for what it did, maybe fuck that ending a little bit ❤️.

Reviewed on Jan 31, 2024
