A very very nice surprise of a game.

As I had been told by reading other reviews, the story of Soma is awesome. It's well written, thoughtful, well acted and doesn't overstay its welcome.

I also thought the gameplay was damn well balanced. It is a game with very few mechanics, and it really holds its cards to its chest for a long long time before letting everything rip. But it's absolutely a good thing. Since enemies are few and far between, you have time to start dreading what's coming next, and to never really expect where they'll crop up.

I'll also mention I never got stuck anywhere with surprising little tutorials, and nothing feels overly simplistic. It just reeks of good game design and I LOVE IT.

A great little underrated gem that, even if it doesn't reinvent the horror genre, could at least be studied by other devs to figure out what makes a great core experience for such types of games. Solid gameplay, an engaging and tight story... And that's about it !

Reviewed on Aug 23, 2023
