A really low budget FPS game set on Vietnam war where you play as regular U.S marine who is tasked to hunt down savage viet cong leader.

the game comes with really stiff animation, weird sound choices in all aspect of the game, and awful ending.

Play Men of Valor instead.

Reviewed on Aug 30, 2022


1 year ago

I can't believe you actually completed it. Why would you torture yourself like that?

1 year ago

@mikearrani fortunately I completed this game when I was still a child and I remember it because my dad bought me this game thinking it was cod or something.

1 year ago

I rarely beat anything as a child. I must've had a short attention span. I would usually play a game for a few of hours and switch to something else. But I was also gifted this game; by an aunt on the new year's eve. I remember looking at the back of the box, thinking "God, I hope my shitty computer can run this". Because the system requirements on the back were way exaggerated. Good old times.

1 year ago

@mikearrani "God, I hope my shitty computer can run this" lol this is every sentence that I will say when I was still a child whenever my dad bought some game for me too play.

I remember my dad bought me Call of Duty 2 and it runs like crap on my low spec pc at the time.
good old times indeed.