Anopek 2021

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

April 30, 2024

Platforms Played


Cute little game. Not generally a fan of games where you can't jump or aim, but I got the hang of this one. The Ancient Egypt theme intrigued me.

A sub-2 hour metroidvania Wolfenstein-like is certainly not something I expected to enjoy (though tbh the metroidvania aspect helped a ton), but it executes itself very well. Each environment is distinct, and had its own gimmicks.

My only complaints/critiques, besides the lack of upwards aiming and jumping (which, considering the genre, is understandable) is the fact that the pixel filter was really, really hard to play in (needed to be probably double the resolution, or have an optional resolution slider - I had to scale up the resolution to play Star Wars: Dark Forces in The Force Engine, as well) and I would have preferred my crunchy aliased lines; I didn't really understand the story, not that there was much of one to begin with (and that's okay); and the music cut out every now and then. Also, the reload time on the rocket launcher was way too long, especially when digging out those really long corridors. Exploration was somewhat confusing as well, but the map helped a little bit. Combat was simultaneously dead easy, but also somehow had some unfair deaths. Very strange!

I didn't expect to burn through the entire game, and I'm kinda glad I did. Not because I wanted it to end, but because I've never really had a short, sweet game that executes its design principles and gameplay tightly and effectively. I wonder what a Quake-like version of this game would be like...!