Overall a good experience. Game shows its age in a few ways, but in terms of compatibility is easily remedied with engine mods like JA Enhanced. I also wanted to use lightsabers in first person view, so that was a must for me.

Even by the end of the game, I still felt like I was waiting for that epic climactic duel. The lightsaber combat, while intricate and unique, didn't quite connect. But I think the combat in this game, and Jedi Outcast, had very poor hit telegraphing until enemies had sufficiently low health.

I haven't played any multiplayer yet, not sure if I ever will (not because I don't want to, more because I'm not interested enough to go out of my way to :P), but the modding scene is great.

Also, this game, Jedi Outcast, and Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II and its expansion has almost ruined the Original Trilogy soundtrack for me :P
Not in a bad way, mind, some musical cues just trigger me a little now :P

Reviewed on Oct 10, 2023
