I gotta be honest...this might be one of the tightest, most tuned, most focused gaming experiences I've ever had. I feel like I've barely even scratched the surface of what's possible in this game - and my one major complaint is that the developer didn't make it long enough to get there.

But short and sweet is still sweet. It left a delightful tang, with the aftertaste of intrigue and confusion. But the good kind of confusion. The one where you ask questions and think deeper about the experience, not the "wait that doesn't make any sense" confusion.

The core mechanic of this game is mobility. In fact, I'd be very close to calling it a masterclass in mobility! There were some mechanics that felt clunky, but, pardon the meme, that could just be a skill issue. Combat is kind of secondary, which is fine, but collecting Magical Power could have had other methods besides hitting the monsters (huh...the more I think about it in the new context, the more the wacky monster design makes sense...). I actually quite like how combat and mobility were intertwined.

The aesthetic is amazing. A lot of people are doing PS1 style graphics, but not many are doing N64 style. The blocky levels, the Gouraud shading, the texture filtering, the mipmapping, it's all hallmarks of what became my least favorite console of the 5th generation, and I love it. I played so much Super Mario 64 when I was younger, so even though the N64 has lost its lustre for me, it still holds a special place in my heart.

I feel like giving this 5 stars. I'm not because I give all the games I really love 5 stars (more or less lol), and I think a sequel to this game would be better deserving of 5 stars. This game's foundation is too good not to revisit in some way later, and I hope rittzler does.

"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." ~ Dr. Seuss

btw I'll be playing this again sometime after the Map Update

Reviewed on Dec 07, 2023
