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I had originally intended to play through as much as the Mega Man X series as possible using the GameCube version of Mega Man X Collection, but I had only ever made it to the end of the first game, and tried a bit of the second. Later, when the X Legacy Collection was announced, I decided I'd go with that bundle instead, so that I'd have all eight games accessible to me on Switch. For Legacy Collection 1, I achieved full item completion on all four games, and earned every Hunter Medal.

For those looking to get into the X series, this is a good place to start. X1 and X4 represent the series at its best, X2 is not quite as good but still a fun time, and X3, while a bit underwhelming, isn't what I'd call a bad game. You might disagree with my ranking of the four, but the first half of this series' history is all you need to see what makes fans love these games so much.