Even as someone who wasn't a diehard fan of the original game, I still kinda came away from this game feeling a little disappointed. Which blows.

York is a highlight in all his usual absurdities, despite him being an even more intolerable movie nerd here than in the first game. I love the interrogation scenes with Zach and Aaliyah, the detective vs. detective tension with Aaliyah questioning all the weird bullshit that York/Zach does in the games that we all assumed as proper and order, the amount of character stuff and dialogue you get during these parts was great. Was always great cutting back to these and seeing how they framed the Le Carre stuff as I progressed further. Houngan's theme is a banger. The story in Le Carre had some cool moments and I appreciated that Patricia was the straight guy to York, even though Patricia is literally 10 years old and York is a fully grown adult.

Generally I had a good time playing it but by the end of it I kinda looked back on it with disappointment. I feel like so much of carrying the jank and let downs of the base game relied on the story and characters...and the characters were doing a good job for most of it! And the story was going to cool places!...but unfortunately the game kinda ends too soon and on a limp note, which means that the entire house of cards falls down.

Suddenly the lack of people or anything to do in Le Carre becomes a lot more harder to accept. The abysmal performance on the Switch becomes more unacceptable and the horrific pacing of the main quest becomes a thumping pain. If the story ended up wrapping up in a well rounded or weirdly Swery way then I probably would have left feeling satisfied but it feels like the story just didn't have enough effort put into it. You'll probably just end up walking away from it feeling like there could've been more done to it, both story and gameplay wise.


Reviewed on Sep 19, 2020
