Game is jank as fuck. Story doesn't really exist, all you need to know is you're a dude going through the worst day ever in tokyo and you have to survive. Had a laugh playing through it tho.

The disaster tech with the buildings falling down was really cool. The fact you get to fully customise your character in daft outfits is good. The fact you can dress yourself in a daft outfit AND be a dick to people is even better. Most of my fun in this game was developing my protag's character to being a chaotic evil opportunist who is also helplessly naive. The first half of the game is mostly you trying to find an honest way out of tokyo and helping somebody you just met, but the best part of the game is the second half where that seems to kinda go out the window as you're just placed in goofy situations. Want to run a cult? Hell yes! Want to father some jesus juice and con the city out of money for it? woohoo! There is a more serious part that involves dead children but...that dumb stuff's still there!

Game is fun jank. Get it on sale probably.

Reviewed on Sep 19, 2020
