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5 days ago

5 days ago

Innes finished Hi-Fi Rush
A really quirky and unique game that didn't gel with me, unfortunately. The art style and writing are phenomenal but the combat and general gameplay loop just didn't hook me and felt like a bit of a chore after the first few levels. Definitely a personal taste issue more than anything else.

5 days ago

Innes abandoned Hi-Fi Rush

5 days ago

Innes reviewed Mass Effect
Much like its Dragon Age counterpart, Mass Effect is a good game that, despite being held back by its age, sets up a very promising foundation for the rest of the series.

It's a BioWare game, so, unsurprisingly, the writing and characters are excellent and easily its most endearing aspect. The gameplay also holds up surprisingly well for an almost 17-year-old game, with combat feeling weighty and diverse throughout thanks to the squad commands and abilities.

The side content is, unfortunately, what lets ME1 down a fair bit. On top of its fairly repetitive side quests that reuse the same 2-3 environments for every mission, exploring uncharted worlds in the poor-controlling Mako is a dull and, occasionally frustrating, experience.

6 days ago

Innes finished Mass Effect
Much like its Dragon Age counterpart, Mass Effect is a good game that, despite being held back by its age, sets up a very promising foundation for the rest of the series.

It's a BioWare game, so, unsurprisingly, the writing and characters are excellent and easily its most endearing aspect. The gameplay also holds up surprisingly well for an almost 17-year-old game, with combat feeling weighty and diverse throughout thanks to the squad commands and abilities.

The side content is, unfortunately, what lets ME1 down a fair bit. On top of its fairly repetitive side quests that reuse the same 2-3 environments for every mission, exploring uncharted worlds in the poor-controlling Mako is a dull and, occasionally frustrating, experience.

6 days ago

Innes backloggd Katawa Shoujo

8 days ago

10 days ago

Innes earned the Replay '14 badge

14 days ago

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