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June 26, 2024

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Let's get the negatives out of the way first.

The cold hard truth is that the modern levels are way better than the classic ones. Most classic levels are good, but none of them come anywhere close to as fun and repayable as their modern counterparts. And it sucks that classic Sonic can't do a badnik bounce or speed down slopes, especially since pretty much everything else feels just like the Genesis games, and since the spin dash is so awesome.

Modern Sonic also has his quirks. Like I don't like how the homing attack is the same as the jump button; many times I'd preemptively hit A to jump again before landing, only to do an awkward dash and stop my momentum. And that dash also feels too short for my liking, making it difficult to use for platforming (although to be fair you don't really need when you start getting good at each level). Both Sonics I think have slightly too slow acceleration. I get that building up speed is the name of the game, especially for classic Sonic, but it would be nice if they could get up too speed a little faster, or at least jump further from a standstill, that was always easy enough to do in the Genesis games.

The most disappointing thing about this game is definitely the story, or more accurately the lack of one. Maybe playing it safe for an anniversary game was the right move, especially after so many disasters, but a little bit is better than practically nothing. The Eggmans together is easily the best part of the story, and there's just not enough of that. And I think Colors proved that good characterization and some witty banter is all you really need.

But my personal least favorite aspect of the game is Planet Wisp. Hooooo boy.... Not only is it really lame for the game's last level to be by far its worst for both characters, but as a huge Colors stan, it hurts to see a good level from my favorite Sonic game be butchered like this.

Ok, maybe that's a lot of complaints, but forget all that, because this is easily the best Sonic game. Period. I know this is near universally agreed upon to be at least the best 3D game, and one of the best in the series, but still, I don't think we talk about just how good it is enough! No other Sonic game fulfills the core idea of the series, replaying levels to find new routes and beating them as fast as possible, like this one does!

It is so SO much fun to learn the ins and outs of each level, to cut off another few seconds, to play over and over again. And no other Sonic game makes me want to replay levels over and over again like this one. I particularly love hunting for Red Rings in this game. It scratches that collectible itch i get in platformers, and encourages you to replay levels to explore them more, AND they're hidden in shortcuts and faster routes. They beautifully merge the collector mentality and the speedrunner mentality, and incentivize replaying each level more than once.

And the game is gorgeous, holy cow. They really new how to incorporate spectacle into each level as both great callbacks and as exciting gimmicks and set pieces. Each level, especially the modern ones, are cool in their own way, whether that's hanging off of helicopters and running down skyscrapers, or jumping across huge gaps in the level design, or rail grinding through a sky of hot air balloons.

Aside from Planet Wisp and classic Rooftop Run, I think I love every level. I'd happily pick up any of the modern levels in a heartbeat and speedrun them again, and blazing through the classic levels with the spin dash is awesome. I'm rambling at this point; point is, this game rocks!