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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

December 17, 2021

Platforms Played


This is for the CPC version.

An arcade-like James Bond game with a variety of levels that seem like watered down versions of other arcade games. You have mediocre vertical shmup (helicopter level), mediocre Ikari Warriors (walking James stage), mediocre Spy Hunter (driving a truck stage), etc. To this game's credit though, there's a decent amount of variety in the stages -- for instance the one where you lead Bond on a rope dangling from your helicopter to get him onto a fleeing plane, and another in which you swim after the same/different plane (?) to rope onto it and pull yourself aboard...

All in all nothing here is that well executed but hey, there's stuff. It's borderline fun, at least -- I was entertained for 10 minutes for a single run. So:

2.5 - Above Average: slightly fun or good in some ways