Metroid, while being an incredibly important and influential game, has some very crippling problems that generally make it not very fun to play today. The game has the high difficulty of many of the games of its time, which would normally be fine, but most games prior to the N64/PS1 generation were more keen on throwing unsolvable puzzles or unfair enemy combinations at players. This makes the game feel cheap, and thus none of the accomplishments really feel earned. Thank god for the lack of a lives system. The ability to only carry 1 weapon also hurts this game, as the Ice Beam is borderline necessary to beat the game but doesn't kill enemies quickly enough to be satisfying. Overall, it can be fun at times but has a lot of problems that make this game ultimately skippable. Very important to video game history, borderline unplayable today without savestates.

Reviewed on Nov 05, 2023
