This is the best way to play Ocarina of Time, at least in my opinion.

Ship of Harkinian adds widescreen, 60 FPS, a free camera, gyro support, and tons more. It runs natively on PC and even a potato could run it.

That being said, Ocarina of Time already has a lot to like about it, and there's not much I can say regarding the game that others haven't said.

Being the first 3D Zelda, there a few things that still haven't aged as well, even with the Ship of Harkinian port. Hyrule field is still boring and empty, and the combat system of waiting for openings can be a little frustrating.

However, Ocarina of Time has great dungeons, a great story with a time travel twist, wonderful music, and a ton of fun new items that would become staples for the series going forward.

If you don't own a 3DS, or if you were hesitant on playing the pooly-aged N64 version, this is for you. Even if you are someone who has played the original numerous times, this is an excellent modernization of a classic.

Reviewed on Feb 09, 2023
