I'm not done yet, but man am I done with the game. I'm so sorry to be so mean to a voice actor, but man was this character interpretation so bad. I have to assume the casting director is doing a favor, or is being blackmailed, or is sleeping with the voice actor because omfg, the actor is just doing a bad job.

I never played the original but every time someone shows me an original clip of the old game, I can't help but wonder why Square Enix decided to get rid of that voice actor. I understand there MAY be a difficulty in portraying a young person when you're much older, but damn did they have to get someone so nasally?

That plus the annoying AI saying "activating combat mode" every time you enter a fight, makes this game a bit of a chore.

which sucks because I think there are some solid ideas here and there, but overall I don't think this game needed to exist. I really hope the Zack Fair voice actor gets some strong coaching and lessons, or just gets replaced by the original actor, because I have no clue how I'm going to withstand his voice in the next FF7R chapter.

I can't even rate this game yet. I'm so annoyed by the actor that I've shelved this. I'll just play with my sephiroth amiibo in smash bros instead.

Reviewed on May 21, 2023
